Building Fund

Our Missional Hub

Exciting news! We are buying a building that will become a missional hub for the work of Jubilee Church Teesside, serve local communities, people across Teesside and ultimately further our vision to ‘bring the Joy-News of Jesus to Everyone Everywhere!

We are trusting God that He will provide the £155,000 in order to purchase Yarm Road Methodist Church in Stockton. He loves to use us all on the great adventures He takes us on and so we're inviting you to give specifically into this Building Fund. Any giving will help us to purchase and develop this growing hub. We’ll also be holding a Gift Day on Sunday 14th May at our Sunday celebration, however you don’t need to wait until then as the Fund is open now!


All the details on how to give are at the end of this page, but first:

The Story so far...


Our involvement at Yarm Road Methodist Church building in Stockton started back in 2021, however it is a place that has been used for the worship and mission of God since 1905.

Coming out of the Covid-19 Pandemic, after almost a year of meeting on Zoom, a seemingly chance meeting between one of the Jubilee elders and the Methodist Superintendent for Stockton led to our first meeting with the team at Yarm Road Methodist Church. From that very first meeting there was a clear connection between the two churches and as a leadership team we were impressed by the passion of the Methodists to continue to reach the local area whilst also and honestly acknowledging their limited capacity. Conversations continued, relationships were built and it was agreed that Jubilee would hire the church for our Sunday mornings. 

Beginning with a huge celebration, on Sunday 5th September Jubilee met for the first time at Yarm Road (although we must admit we found sitting on the pews took some getting used to!) After a few months settling (including some cold winter mornings!), we started to see growth in the Sunday morning attendance and Yarm Road began to feel like home. 

In the background, discussions continued with the Methodists in the form of monthly meetings to discuss partnering together in further ways, a joint Christmas event, litter pick, fun day, parent and toddlers group and a move for our Jubilee offices followed throughout 2022. Early on in our discussions it became apparent that as a leadership team we felt that Yarm Road could become a permanent hub for Jubilee as we continue our vision to bring the Joy News of Jesus to Everyone Everywhere. 

More discussions followed with the local Methodist team as well as wider groups from within the Methodist Church. In early March 2023 after long negotiations we received the good news that our offer for the purchase of the Yarm Road Methodist Church building had been accepted! - The fun starts now! 

Over the coming months we are trusting God for £155,000 for the purchase of this building, and though this will require big steps of faith we are confident that God will provide. 

We want to encourage you first and foremost to pray into this over the coming weeks. We passionately believe in prayer and it really is something that is part of our DNA in Jubilee. Can we encourage everyone to put some time aside over the coming weeks to pray into this.

The other way we can play our part is to give generously. We are very much aware of the financial pressures within our nation as well as challenges around the world. In order to purchase this building, it will at times mean giving that will be a sacrifice, however we believe this is the adventure that God has for us and we want to embrace it with faith and with confidence that we can’t outgive Him!

We will be holding gift days in the next few months. If you would like to give a gift to our building fund you can do so by following the steps below.

You can give into it in the following ways:

Online Direct Transfer from your bank account

Log on to your online banking and set up a direct bank transfer using the details below:

Name: Jubilee Church Teesside

Sort Code: 20-56-74

Account Number: 50523356

Reference: Building Fund

Online by credit/debit card

You can give using your credit or debit card by clicking here. Choose the fund ‘Building Fund’. It's a great way to give for some but as it takes a 3% administration fee, we don't get your whole gift! If you want us to receive your whole gift, do it through your bank via an Online Direct Transfer.

On Sundays

It is our regular practice to take an offering at every Sunday gatherings. Use the giving envelopes provided on the information table to give via cash or cheque (payable to ‘Jubilee Church Teesside') and put it into the offering buckets as they are passed around. Please write ‘Building Fund’ on the envelope.

Give a pledge

If there is an amount of money that you'd like to give, however you're not able to give it straightaway, you can pledge it by sending us an email here and letting us know the amount. 

Gift Aid - AN EXTRA 25% FOR FREE

If you are a UK taxpayer, we may be able to claim back 25p in every pound that you donate at no further cost to you. Please download and complete our Gift Aid Form (it will download here). It should be returned to the church office, emailed to our Finance Team or place it in the offering bucket on a Sunday.

Last Updated: Thu, 16th March 2023

Upcoming Events:

The Jubilee Centre
Prayer Gathering
May 2024
We love to pray, come and join us as we gather this month to pray for Teesside, our Nation and the Nations!
The Jubilee Centre
Serve Teesside
Community litter pick
We will be joining with Rivers of Life church for a joint service and community outreach.
The Jubilee Centre
Improving Physical and Mental Health
A free 12 week programme aimed at improving physical and mental health.
Stewarts Park
Festival Teesside
A church united, a region transformed

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