About Us

The Story so far

The Jubilee Centre
The Story so far
What kind of church is Jubilee? This is both a very important and a very difficult question to answer, but here goes! 

We are Evangelical, Charismatic, Diverse, Family and Missional. Here’s what we mean:


In part, this means we take the Bible very seriously and recognise it for what it itself claims to be - God’s inspired eternal truth.

We believe in: 

  • the principles it calls us to live out 
  • the miracles pointing to Jesus that always surprised the onlookers
  • the counter-cultural contrasts that always challenge us
  • the eternal robustness of its never-changing reality
  • the beauty and wonder of its Trinitarian God
Therefore we work hard at trying to explain it intelligently in all situations, bringing about its relevance, richness and transformation to all people. A Church sharing in the truth of Jesus.


This means a lot more than just being lively! 

It's about a God who is with us tangibly. A God who gifts, guides, speaks, moves, empowers and sends. A dynamic, intimate, Holy, gracious God who we experience in our lives together and who, by His grace, sends us out in unity, courage, compassion, mission, signs and wonders and truth.

A Church transformed by God the Holy Spirit.


This means everyone!

We aim to be like the Church in Revelation 7  – ‘a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb’ - breaking cultural divides, welcoming all, loving those who feel like ‘outsiders’. It doesn't matter, what age you are, what language you speak, or which country you're from, you're very welcome at Jubilee.

A Church of all ages, backgrounds and nations coming together as one. 


This means together on a mission! 

We are part of a much wider family of churches called Christ Central Churches, part of Newfrontiers. Newfrontiers is a wider family of over 1500 churches spanning over 80 nations!

Together we enjoy a big vision, common values, friendship, support and unity. A Church family doing more together than it could do on its own!


This means dynamic! 

If Jesus is all we say and believe He is then it must mean change. The Gospel changes lives, neighbourhoods, cities, school, universities, the world.  And so through social action projects, through teaching and equipping, through starting new churches, through engaging communities we want to change the world bit by bit! Why? Because we are so grateful to Jesus for all He has done in us and around us. 

A Church on the move, making a difference, encouraging others!