
It's All About Worship

The Jubilee Centre
The Joy News of Jesus releases a heart of generosity!

‘In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.’ 2 Corinthians 8:2

At Jubilee we encourage biblical stewardship. This is simply recognising that all we have is God's and we have been given the privilege of investing His provision into the things that really matter to Him.

The Church is the Hope of the World - God's Kingdom Plan A! Resourcing the church in all it is called to do is an honour and a joy. We can all play our part in giving to the work of Jubilee. 
We also recognise that personal circumstances affect how people are able to give. If you are in a difficult time financially, or don't feel able to give for whatever reason, please don’t feel under any obligation – we believe you should only give out of what you have and be able to do it joyfully and full of faith. Please speak to your Community Group leader or one of the elders if you are struggling financially or with debt.

There are 3 main ways to financially give at Jubilee:

Standing Order

Giving in this way means that those who have responsibility for looking after the finances at Jubilee have the benefit of roughly knowing that an assured amount will be available each month.

If you want to give this way, please set up a Standing Order through your bank. Click here to see a Standing Order form, which has all our details on in order to do that. Alternatively complete and send the form to your bank. If you need any help doing this we're happy to help!

Online Direct Transfer

Log on to your online banking and set up a direct bank transfer using the details below:

Name: Jubilee Church Teesside
Sort Code: 20-56-74
Account Number: 50523356

Please use your surname and initials as your reference when doing transfers and contact the Finance Team to let us know you have set up a new transfer.

Online by credit/debit card

You can give using your credit or debit card by clicking here (this will re-direct you to our LoveGiving page).

On Sundays

It is our regular practice to take an offering at every Sunday service . Use the giving envelopes provided on the information table to give via cash or cheque (payable to ‘Jubilee Church Teesside')

Gift Aid - AN EXTRA 25% FOR FREE
If you are a UK taxpayer, we may be able to claim back 25p in every pound that you donate at no further cost to you. Please download and complete our Gift Aid Form (it will download here). It should be returned to the church office, emailed to our Finance Team or place it in the offering bucket on a Sunday.